The District was the recipient of EPA 319 funds in 1990 to initiate local groundwater protection measures for shallow, unconfined public water supply wells. Contact Jay Gilbertson for more information.
The District has provided technical and financial support for watershed assessment studies designed to identify the source(s) of the pollutants that are degrading water quality in streams.
The District has provided technical and financial support for watershed assessment studies designed to identify the source(s) of the pollutants that are degrading water quality in lakes.
The Central and North-Central Big Sioux River Watershed Assessments identified several areas of the Big Sioux River and various tributaries not meeting their designated uses due to impairments from total suspended solids and/or fecal coliform bacteria. An implementation project is currently ongoing addressing these issues.
In 2007, scientists from the National Sedimentation Laboratory in Oxford, Mississippi collected geotechnical data from five areas along the Big Sioux River near Castlewood, Bruce, Brookings, Egan, and Renner.
The District continuously monitors Water Quality Monitoring Sites along the Big Sioux River. In addition, nitrates are monitored at various stream sites throughout the District.