East Dakota Water Development District
Water Resource Information, Education, & Protection
Water Resource Information, Education, & Protection
The East Dakota Water Development District (EDWDD) is a political subdivision of the State. The purpose, duties, functions and other controls relating to water development districts are found in South Dakota Codified Laws Chapters 46A-3A through 46A-3E. The districts have a broad mandate to work to promote the conservation, development and proper management of water resources within their respective boundaries. On a practical level, almost any activity involving water can be considered by the districts. Water development districts have no regulatory authority. EDWDD has been in existence since 1963.
EDWDD is one of seven water development districts in the state. EDWDD consists of all of Grant, Codington, Deuel, Hamlin, Brookings, Kingsbury, Lake, Moody, and Minnehaha Counties, the eastern half of Miner County, and that portion of the City of Sioux Falls that is located in Lincoln County.
EDWDD is authorized by (SDCL-46A-3E-1) to levy taxes within the District. The District's tax levy can not exceed thirty cents per thousand dollars of taxable valuation (0.3 mill). EDWDD's 2022 tax levy (payable in 2023) is $895,000 (0.022 mill) which is collected over the entire District area.
East Dakota Water Development District
132B Airport Avenue
Brookings, SD 57006
(605) 688-6741
(605) 688-6744 fax
East Dakota Water Development District (2025)
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